Rules and conditions 2025
As we wish to ensure a peaceful and serene stay for everyone, the following regulations must be read carefully and observed.
Before installing tent, caravan or camper, it is necessary to complete the registration, each person must have proof of identity. The access and presence in the campsite of unauthorized persons involves: violation of the Public Security Regulations (art. 109 TULPS); violation of art. 614 C.P. (violation of domicile); violation of art. 633 C.P. (invasion of land and buildings); violation of art. 624 C. P. (theft of services); crime of contractual fraud.
The camping day ends at 10:30 am on the day following arrival. The counting of the stay is done by calculating the number of nights, regardless of the time of arrival. Departures from the camp site must take place by 10.30 am, vehicles and persons must leave the camp site and cannot enter again the campsite.
During the night rest period (23.00 -7.30), we kindly request our guests to refrain from engaging in loud talking and laughing to maintain a quiet atmosphere for all guests. Please refrain from playing loud music, listening to radio, or watching television during the night rest hours. Assembling and dismantling tents during the night rest period are not permitted. During the night rest hours, the main entrance will be closed to vehicles. Access will only be allowed to pedestrians through the appropriate pedestrian gate. At all times, we encourage guests to be considerate of others by avoiding any attitudes or activities, that may cause disturbance to other guests.
Caravans, camper vans or tents must be set up according to the instructions of the staff. Each pitch may be occupied by a maximum of four people (adults and children) on the BIANCA and VIOLA pitches and a maximum of six people (adults and children) on the AZZURRA, BLU and VERDE pitches. The pitch boundaries must be exceeded. Additional tents, cars or motorbikes require authorisation from the management. Free pitches may not be occupied in any way, neither for sunbathing nor for parking.
The grassy sunbathing area and the possible pebble beach can be used by all guests. Only deckchairs or towels that are actually used may be laid out. Unused deckchairs or towels may be removed by the management. It is forbidden to park any kind of boats, airbeds and SUPs etc. on the beach.
Under no circumstances may the maximum number of for persons per pitch (cat. BIANCA and VIOLA) and six persons per pitch (cat. AZZURRA, BLU, VIOLA) be exceeded, including children and visitors. There are two categories: day visitors and extra overnight guests.
DAY VISITORS are not permitted. EXTRA OVERNIGHT GUESTS which are not included in the confirmation are not permitted. Surprise visits are not possible, please inform your family and your friends about this. For exceptions, at the discretion of the management, the charge is EUR 20 per person/child per night.
DAY VISITORS are permitted under these conditions: - only a single visit is permitted during your stay; multiple visits are not permitted, neither by the same nor different persons. - visitors are obliged, when entering the campsite for the first time, to present proof of identity and pay the required fee. In case of non-registration the visitors' fee will be charged to you and your visitors have to leave the campsite immediately; - day visitors are only permitted from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m; - visitors are obliged to comply with the campsite regulations. EXTRA OVERNIGHT GUESTS not included in the booking confirmation are not allowed. It is necessary to specify the extra overnight guests when making the booking request. For exceptions, at management's discretion, the charge is EUR 10 per person/night per child in low season and EUR 15 in mid season.
All vehicles can only be used to enter and exit the campsite during the permitted hours. The pace must not exceed 5 km/h. They must be parked on their pitch or in any assigned parking lots. The internal avenues between the pitches must always remain free and passable. Pedestrians always have priority over all means. At the campsite we recommend maximum attention and great caution.
General conditions of use of the car park in Via Roma 49 and Via Martiri della Libertà, Iseo: the car park is not guarded. The service provided by Punta D'Oro is limited to the rental of a parking area. The management accepts no liability for objects or valuables inside cars or trailers, even if they are locked; Users are liable for damage caused to cars, property, systems, personnel and third parties. We are not liable for damages between users. The tariffs in force are displayed to the public.
Only one dog is permitted per pitch, regardless of size. Dogs must always be kept on a leash (maximum length 1.5 m as per Minis. Ord. 03.03.2009), also on the pitch. This rule also applies to well-behaved dogs. It is not permitted to place fences or nets on the pitch. It is forbidden to leave dogs unattended on the pitch. Dogs must be walked outside the campsite for ALL their needs, including peeing. Please use dog waste bags, which can be disposed of in the residual waste container on the street.DOG OWNERS WHO LET THEIR DOGS RUN OFF-LEASH OR LET THEM DO THEIR NEEDS ON THE CAMPING SITE OR ON THE BEACH RISK IMMEDIATE EXPULSION, with no refund. Dogs are only allowed in the water if their owners show respect for other guests on the beach or in the water. The beach is not a playground for dogs. The campsite is located close to the town center, so please note that the opportunities to walk your dog freely are limited.
It is forbidden to feed ducks and swans.
We do not accept minors unless accompanied by parents or by persons who have parental authority, with whom they will stay during their stay. Adults are responsible for their children: observing and respecting the rules of the Regulation; behave politely and attentively to their own and others' safety (for example when they go with the bicycle), do not disturb the quiet of other guests. In addition, younger children must always be accompanied by an adult to the toilets and must be supervised while bathing in the lake.
– disposing of waste outside the designated containers;
– dig holes or drainage channels in the ground;
– light fires outdoors (barbecue may be used on condition that it does not constitute a nuisance or danger);
– damage vegetation;
– pour oils, fuels, boiling, salty or waste liquids onto the ground;
– wash cars or other vehicles in the field;
– wash dishes or linen outside the appropriate sinks;
-wasting or improperly using water;
– lay or make fences, tie or anchor anything to plants, pull ropes at human height and install anything else that may constitute a potential danger and be an obstacle to free passage.
Guests are advised not to use the toilets during cleaning hours. On toilet complex is always available. Small children must be accompanied.
The power supply to the pitches is protected by a 6A fuse and is designed for the connection of low wattage appliances. IT IS FORBIDDEN TO CHARGE ELECTRIC CARS ON THE PITCH. The use of AIR CONDITIONERS and HEAT PUMPS must be reported to the management. The use of removable air conditioning units is not permitted. In order to ensure the peace and comfort of all guests, very load devices are not permitted. In addition, air conditioning units may not be used between the hours of 22:30 and 7:00.
It is necessary to seperate waste carefully, separating organic, glass and metal, paper, plastic and undifferentiated. The containers are located outside the campsite.
The management is not liable for losses, deterioration and theft suffered within the Camping. Except for the coverage of risks for civil liability towards third parties, referred to in the insurance policy stipulated with UNIPOLSAI filed with the acceptance office, the management is not liable for damages not attributable to its direct responsibility such as, by way of example, natural disasters, fortuitous events, fire, theft, etc. Each camper bathes in the lake at their own risk. The management of the campsite cannot be liable for any damage to bathers.
The guest, in case of introduction into the campsite of unregistered or clandestine persons, will be immediately expelled together with them, without prejudice to the unquestionable right of the Management to act criminally pursuant to art. 614, 624, 633 and 637 of the Criminal Code.
The management reserves the right to expel those who, in its opinion, in contravention of the rules of these Regulations, with their behavior are responsible for damage or vandalism or disturb the quiet and tranquility on the campsite.
We accept boats with a maximum weight of 1 tonne. In zone A (the buoy field) mooring is allowed only to boats and boats authorized by the management. It is forbidden to exchange and transfer mooring buoys to others. Buoys are allowed to moor only one unit. The assignee of the buoy who intends to renounce the assignment must notify the management of the campsite. The management of the campsite has the right to change the buoy number assigned for particular weather conditions, safety reasons or other. The rates for renting the buoy are part of the campsite's price list. The duration of the assignment is calculated per night. The boats must be moored with suitable ropes, owned by the boater and whose efficiency and adequacy he is solely responsible for. In the event of any damage, the responsible user shall provide compensation caused to the landing facilities, buoys or otherwise. The management of the campsite is not responsible for any theft in the moored boats. In the water it is not allowed to place your own buoys or other floating objects. The mooring of boats that do not have one of our buoys available is allowed only at anchor, however outside zones A and B. The user is also responsible for the behavior of his family and guests. The maneuvers of approach, removal and landing at the shore must always take place respecting the good rules of navigation and at speed of only gear inserted up to 100 meters perpendicular to the coast. The landing is allowed only on the right or left side of zone B.In zone B (bathing area) neither the transit nor the mooring of any boat is allowed, even for short periods of time. Zone B is reserved exclusively for bathing. We remind you that it is mandatory to turn off the engine of the boat when it is not needed. Children under 16 years of age are not permitted by law to drive any type of motor boat.